Saturday, March 5, 2011

Final Essay (global design)

Parenthetically the task of the first half of the semester in the global design course was to uncover values that we as designers hold true to our hearts. This task of is made more difficult as I myself can safely say that I’m not the introverted type. Having acknowledged that, I can truly say that above all I value humor, audacity and public education. However those are not new values as I have already expressed my admiration for those ideals in a previous essay. Something else had to be unearthed – and it was. Its name: Practicality

As a designer we’re often thought of as being “clever” given tasks to “pretty things up”. This is bullshit for more than one reason. In my eyes as the act of being practical doesn’t often mesh well with being clever – but it can. 

From my perspective, being practical as a designer means: Know the communities for which you serve and speak to them, using their language in a way they will digest and understand. As opposed to what? Namely designing for designers. As someone once said to me “You can either win AIGA awards or you can make money – you choose.” Wise words… wise words.

It also means rejecting dogma for reality – which might also mean, checking your values at the door in the face of real world, day-to-day, bread-and-butter issues everyone faces, i.e., keeping the bills paid, you belly full, and yourself thoroughly entertained.

Look simply put we always can’t be the good guy. Sometimes we have to sleep with the enemy. For example: If you had a choice between doing work (whatever that might be) for Habitat For Humanities versus Phillip Morris which one would you chose? Now let me sweeten the deal: HFH is only willing to pay you $5,000 while Phillip Morris will pay you $100,000. Now which one would you choice? Or is the choice already made?

Of course that’s an exaggeration but not far from realty. And that’s point. Don’t move so far into your own head – your own dogma that you reject the world for as it is and only see it for how you want it to be.

Ultimately I guess the point would also be striking a balance between who you are and what you need.

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